Bir Unbiased Görünüm C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri

Bir Unbiased Görünüm C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri

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@OlivierJacot-Descombes: Short of using Reflection, there's no way of knowing whether an IList which allows anything of a given type to be stored by index will allow everything of that type to be stored by index.

What this code is saying is that if userId was specified, then add a filter on the veri so that only items where the userId matches that variable will be included. That same thing is done for email and lastFourdigits.

g. executing SQL on GarbageCollected contexts). I would say that ICollection is every thing you said apart from the "lazy evaluation" and we should be using that, especially if the veri has already been enumerated once!

But now see the below code we have changed IEnumerable to IQueryable. It creates a SQL Query at the server side and only necessary veri is sent to the client side.

In C# 4 and earlier the object obj; is declared outside of the while loop, this changes the behavior of the loop when working with things that capture variables like anonymous functions.

The syntax (which you rarely see because there are prettier ways to do it) for moving through a collection that implements IEnumerable is:

Whenever I'm "stacking" LINQ expressions, I use IEnumerable, because by only specifying the behavior I give LINQ a chance to defer evaluation and possibly optimize the yetişek. Remember how LINQ doesn't generate the SQL C# IEnumerable Nedir to query the database until you enumerate it? Consider this:

Oluşturduğunuz dershaneı, derlem oluştururken yahut mukabillaştırma gerektiren özge senaryolarda kullanabilirsiniz.

) without affecting original veri." is confusing. Do C# IEnumerable Nedir you mean that the new list returned yaşama been added to, and elements birey be removed but C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor no updates? I thought that because it returned ienumerable you birey modify the elements in the list, C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor i.e. change a property like you said but you yaşama't add and remove items in the list. Is that correct?

Bu, nominalmın kalitesini artırır ve olası hataları er aşamalarda belirleme etmeyi kolaylaştırır.

It's for when you want to be able to use an object with a foreach loop, but you don't know exactly what type you're dealing with, whether Array, List, or something custom.

The reason, of course, is that someone gönül call the first method passing in an array object, a List object, a String object, and so on — any object whose type implements IEnumerable.

Then you'll never have more than one line of the file in memory at a time, and if you finish the loop earlier (perhaps it was a search and you found what you needed) you might derece need to read the whole file. Or if you're reading the results from a large SQL query you emanet sınır your memory use C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor to a single record.

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